What is a Unified API?

Last updated
March 12, 2024

A Unified API is an abstraction layer that easily handles communication with many different APIs and backend data models. You can think of a Unified API as an airport hub that maintains relationships with airlines and helps route passengers to their destination of choice. The beauty of a Unified API is its ability to get many integrations at once, while maintaining consistent API design and developer experience. Examples of popular Unified APIs include Stripe and Twilio.

Makini’s Unified API aggregates providers across EAM/CMMS, ERP, and WMS categories, offering a single endpoint to areas like assets, work orders, purchase orders, locations, shipment and transfer orders, spare parts inventory, etc. These end-points are combined into our common data models.

Makini also supports systems that don’t have an API at all, acting as an API layer on top of them.

What is an API?

API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of rules, protocols, and tools for building software and applications. Think of an API as a bridge or intermediary that allows two different software applications to communicate with each other without needing to know the details of each other's inner workings. APIs play a key role in modern technology, facilitating the integration and interaction of different systems and applications.

Types of APIs

  1. Web APIs — designed for interaction with web services over the HTTP protocol. This could be REST, SOAP, or GraphQL APIs, each with its own characteristics in how interactions are organized and data is formatted.
  2. Libraries and Frameworks — provide sets of ready-to-use functions and procedures for specific tasks such as data analysis, visualization, or networking. Developers can use these tools to speed up the development process.
  3. Operating System APIs — allow applications to interact with the resources and services of an operating system, for example, for file management, process creation, or network operations.
  4. Remote APIs — enable interaction with programs running on other computers. This can be used for distributed computing and cloud services.

Examples of APIs

  • Google Maps API allows embedding maps and geolocation features into websites and mobile applications.
  • Twitter API offers developers access to the platform's functionality, including posting tweets, reading message streams, and analyzing social network data.
  • Amazon S3 API enables data storage management in the cloud, providing functions for uploading, downloading, and managing files online.

Benefits of Using APIs

  • Integration — APIs facilitate integration and interaction between different systems and applications, allowing them to share data and functionality.
  • Automation — APIs can automate routine tasks, speeding up processes and increasing efficiency.
  • Scalability — APIs allow for easy expansion of system capabilities by adding new services and components without the need to rewrite existing code.

Makini is a Unified API for integration with operational systems used by enterprises, namely: EAM/CMMS, ERP, WMS.

Is there a free trial version and how does it work?

Yes, we offer a 30-day free trial. The trial comes with one connection included, which you can use to connect to any listed system on Makini, with the only exception being SAP. We also suggest several systems across each system type which have free accounts or trials so you can use them as a sandbox. Should you have any questions or require assistance during your trial, we’ll be happy to support you, just leave a message in our online chat! Enjoy your trial and happy building!

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