Implementing a Data-Driven Decision Making Framework for Operational Excellence



In the fast-paced world of industrial operations, the ability to make data-driven decisions is crucial for achieving operational excellence and maintaining a competitive edge. Organizations are increasingly recognizing the power of data in driving efficiency, effectiveness, and continuous improvement in their processes. By collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data, businesses can gain valuable insights that inform decision-making, optimize operations, and enhance overall performance.

In this article, we will explore the importance of data-driven decision making in industrial operations and the role it plays in achieving operational excellence. We will examine real-world case studies of organizations like Pals Sudden Service and Virginia Mason Medical Center, who have successfully implemented data-driven frameworks to drive operational efficiency. Additionally, we will discuss the steps involved in developing and maintaining a data-driven decision-making framework, including the integration of tools like CMMS and EAM systems to streamline processes and optimize maintenance. By understanding the significance of data-driven decision making and implementing the right tools and strategies, organizations can unlock their full potential for operational excellence and continuous improvement.

1. Understanding the Importance of Data-Driven Decision Making in Industrial Operations

The industrial sector has recognized the immense power of data in steering both strategic and operational decisions, making it an integral part of their quest for efficiency and effectiveness. The process entails diligent data collection, analysis, and interpretation, which serve as the foundation for decision-making. The beauty of this approach lies in its ability to provide solid evidence for decisions, replacing guesswork and instinct. It opens up opportunities for discovering trends, patterns, and insights that can enhance operational performance and provide a competitive edge.

Consider the Tata Steel plant in Kalinganagar, India, which serves as a testament to the effectiveness of [data-driven decision making]( Through the integration of advanced analytics into their operations, the plant managed to achieve remarkable operational gains. The superheating process, a critical stage in steel casting, was a key focus area. Conventionally, frontline operators would depend on past experiences and control systems to decide the set points for this process. However, Tata Steel saw an opportunity for improvement through advanced analytics and employee upskilling. In collaboration with McKinsey, they developed an optimization model for the superheating process using historical data, utilizing tools and technologies like industrial IoT platforms, data acquisition systems, sensors and actuators, and data analytics software.

This project also involved equipping employees with data science knowledge and other advanced analytics disciplines through classroom training. While the initial model led to an improved strike rate, they encountered issues with inaccurate recommendations as the variety of steel orders changed. This underscored the need for continuous model refinement and further development of employees' analytics skills. As a result of these efforts, the Kalinganagar plant saw significant performance improvements and was recognized as a leading digital facility by the World Economic Forum. Today, the plant is home to a team of analytics specialists, and analytics knowledge has become an essential part of the plant's operational culture.

The journey of Beverston Engineering, a precision component manufacturer, is another testament to the power of [data-driven decision making]( Facing challenges such as the economic and social impacts of the pandemic, the Ukraine war, and rising costs, they opted for a smart factory model. With the support of Made Smarter, the company crafted a digital roadmap and invested in technology for real-time visibility of its manufacturing processes. This approach, which involved the use of SCADA systems and data analytics software, increased machine availability, reduced quality planning and reporting times, and improved profitability. By using data analytics, they could identify trends, wasteful processes, and factors leading to quality failure in products. This digital transformation enabled Beverston Engineering to recover from the pandemic, increase profitability, and attract new business.

These examples demonstrate the vast potential of [data-driven decision making]( in industrial operations. By leveraging data, organizations can optimize their processes, improve operational performance, and secure a competitive advantage. This involves collecting and analyzing data from various sources such as sensors, machines, and other devices. The data is then processed and analyzed using data analytics techniques to gain insights into operational performance. By analyzing the data, patterns and trends can be identified, allowing operators and decision makers to make informed decisions and optimize operational processes. Furthermore, data analytics can aid in pinpointing areas for improvement, predicting potential issues, and optimizing resource allocation, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency and productivity of industrial operations.

2. Identifying Operational Challenges and the Role of Data

In the realm of industrial operations, obstacles often arise due to departmental misalignment, challenges in process streamlining, and difficulties in implementing strategies designed to enhance operational performance. The role of data in surmounting these operational challenges is pivotal. Data serves as a reservoir of insights into operational inefficiencies, empowering organizations to identify bottlenecks, refine processes, and implement effective strategies. Additionally, data can predict future trends, enabling proactive decision making.

The construction of analytics can be broken down into three unique stages: data survey, data exchange, and data analysis. Complications often arise in matters of data ownership, access, and contractual obligations. Providers of building analytics require access to energy metering and Building Management System (BMS) data for analysis. However, building owners often rely on third-party BMS service companies for data access, which may not always be able to store or provide the necessary data.

The lack of contracts addressing data access and ownership further exacerbates the issue. Limited data access, whether intentional or due to technical issues, can halt the building analytics process, leading to delays, reduced building performance, and increased project costs. Building owners should therefore ensure unimpeded access to their energy and BMS data, and consider including clauses addressing data access and ownership in future contracts. Measures should be taken to improve data access, with both BMS engineers and building analytics specialists included in the dialogue.

Addressing these challenges, one effective way to improve coordination between departments in industrial operations is to establish clear communication channels and regular meetings. This ensures alignment and awareness of each other's activities and goals across all departments. Additionally, a centralized system or software that allows real-time data sharing and collaboration can significantly enhance coordination. This enables departments to access current information and make well-informed decisions. Fostering a culture of teamwork and cross-functional collaboration, where departments work together towards shared objectives and share resources and expertise when needed, is also crucial. Regular training and development programs can help employees boost their skills and knowledge, enabling them to better understand and support the operations of other departments.

Data science project failures are often attributed to a lack of alignment across organizational silos and tech delivery processes, resulting in wasted IT investments and missed business opportunities. As data becomes the new code, it is creating a multitude of opportunities across various sectors. In the age of machine learning, the roles of data engineering and data scientists are increasingly important.

While there are similarities between software engineering and data science, they also exhibit essential differences. The application of DevOps principles to data science leads to the emergence of DataOps, which involves iterative and incremental cycles, continuous and automated processes, and self-service and collaboration. Five critical technology success factors for DataOps include agile data infrastructure, automated data pipelines, model deployment workflows, model testing, and measurement of project success. Organizations that can quickly deploy working models into production and continuously improve them are better positioned for business success.

One possible strategy for streamlining processes in industrial operations is to deploy automation technologies. By automating repetitive tasks, such as data entry or inventory management, companies can enhance efficiency and decrease errors. Further, optimizing workflows and implementing lean principles can identify and eliminate unnecessary steps in the production process, further streamlining operations.

Real-world examples illustrate the challenges faced in implementing data science projects and the need for alignment across organizational silos and tech delivery processes. They highlight the importance of effectively productizing data science and the potential missed business opportunities when projects fail to move from pilot to real-world implementation. The lessons learned from these case studies underscore the importance of data in industrial operations and the need for organizations to overcome the challenges associated with data access and utilization.

3. Choosing the Right Tools: An Overview of CMMS and EAM Products

The ability to make data-driven decisions in business operations is greatly enhanced by the selection of the appropriate tools. Comprehensive solutions for effective industrial asset management, such as Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) and Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) products, are critical in this regard. Prime examples include Luminate Logistics by BlueYonder, Oracle Fusion Cloud Warehouse Management, and SAP Extended Warehouse Management.

These systems are packed with features that facilitate efficient management of operations. For instance, Oracle Fusion Cloud Warehouse Management, when utilized for inventory optimization, has several best practices to consider. Firstly, it's vital to define clear inventory optimization objectives that align with your organization's specific needs. This aids in steering the implementation process. Secondly, it's recommended to assess current inventory management processes and identify any improvement areas or bottlenecks that need addressing.

Moreover, ensuring the accuracy and timeliness of your inventory data is crucial, as it enhances the effectiveness of optimization algorithms and enables better decision-making. The involvement of key stakeholders from different departments, such as procurement, sales, and finance, in the implementation process is also essential. This guarantees that the solution caters to the needs of all stakeholders and fosters cross-functional collaboration.

Providing comprehensive training to users of the Oracle Fusion Cloud Warehouse Management system is another key step. This equips them with the knowledge to effectively use the system and maximize its benefits. Continual monitoring and analysis of the system's performance is also crucial to identify any issues or areas for improvement and allow for timely adjustments to be made. Lastly, regular reviews and optimization of your inventory optimization processes, including analyzing performance metrics, identifying improvement areas, and implementing necessary changes, will optimize inventory levels and reduce costs.

Similarly, CMMS and EAM solutions have a wide range of features, including preventive maintenance, work order management, and asset tracking, which can be optimized to streamline maintenance procedures and enhance asset management processes. For instance, implementing a preventive maintenance program can help identify and address potential issues before they escalate into major problems, thereby reducing downtime and improving overall productivity.

Additionally, using mobile CMMS and EAM solutions can enable technicians to access work orders, record updates, and complete tasks on the go. This improves communication and reduces response times. Integrating these solutions with other systems, such as inventory management or procurement, can streamline workflows and ensure accurate data exchange. Leveraging the data captured by these solutions can provide insights into equipment performance, maintenance trends, and resource utilization, which can aid in optimizing scheduling, identifying improvement areas, and making data-driven decisions. Establishing standardized procedures for work order creation, assignment, and completion can also enhance consistency, reduce errors, and enhance overall efficiency.

Furthermore, the industry is shifting towards the integration of operations with IT Service Management (ITSM), which serves as a center for governance, control, automation, and insight across the entire IT landscape. As indicated by recent data from Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) and ongoing industry discussions, the benefits of integrating operations with ITSM are manifold. They include a service-aware Configuration Management Database (CMDB) and the value of having a single system of record. The importance of a comprehensive approach to IT operations, the role of ITSM in achieving this, and the impact of a service-aware CMDB on enhancing IT operations are highlighted.

4. The Role of Integration in Streamlining Processes and Enhancing Efficiency

The pivotal role of system integration in bolstering operational efficiency is significant. The amalgamation of Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) and Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) tools with additional corporate systems allows organizations to consolidate their data structures, authorization protocols, and data transformations effectively. This unification not only simplifies data management but also promotes real-time data access, thereby enhancing decision-making. Platforms such as Makini provide a universal API for the integration of industrial maintenance and asset management systems, ensuring seamless and efficient integration.

Workflow integration, encompassing the combination of tools, business systems, and workflows utilized by different teams, is instrumental in combating workplace silos and streamlining workflows. Data silos, a frequent issue when companies utilize multiple software tools, lead to a lack of cohesion and slow decision-making. However, integration can expedite complex processes by simplifying them and reducing the need for manual data transfer.

To further illustrate, Makini's integration platform offers various capabilities and functionalities to help businesses streamline their processes and enhance efficiency. Users can explore these features by visiting the base URL, and navigate to the different integration options available, such as the Oracle Fusion Cloud Warehouse Management integration and the SCExpert platform integration.

Integration is the bedrock of end-to-end visibility, ensuring organizations have real-time insights into their operations. To kickstart the integration of workflows, companies should first identify inefficient and detached workflows, map out the different tools and people involved, and replace with a complete solution or native integrations where possible. Automation of repetitive tasks and measuring the impact of the improved workflow are vital steps in the integration process.

An example of this is the integration of sales and shipping samples, showcasing how integration can speed up processes and eliminate bottlenecks. However, common challenges to workflow integration include a lack of budget or time to develop in-house solutions, a multitude of apps with limited native integrations, and lack of employee buy-in. Platforms like Frevvo offer tools to assist companies integrate and automate their workflows.

A customer-centric approach to integration, as seen in the merger of two large financial institutions using Lean Six Sigma and traditional project management methodologies, can lead to increased quality, speed, and customer growth. Lean Six Sigma adopts the view that businesses are comprised of processes that begin with customer needs and should culminate with delighted customers.

For a successful integration, understanding the culture of the organizations and the sophistication of the change management infrastructure is crucial. The integration of Lean Six Sigma principles into a traditional merger approach can lead to increased quality, speed, and customer growth. Aligning integration project deliverables into a Lean Six Sigma construct under the DMAIC process can have a significant impact. By focusing on customer needs, process-focused execution, and using data and establishing measurement/reporting, Lean Six Sigma can truly revolutionize the integration process.

5. Implementing a Data-Driven Decision Making Framework: A Step-by-step Guide

Developing a data-informed decision-making structure is a comprehensive process that requires careful planning and execution. It starts with recognizing the operational challenges and formulating clear objectives. The next step involves selecting appropriate tools and integrating them into the existing systems. Once the integration phase is complete, organizations embark on the journey of data collection and analysis, providing them with valuable insights into their operations.

These insights then form the basis for informed decisions and effective strategies to achieve the set objectives. Decision intelligence (DI) plays a pivotal role in this process, serving as a conduit between data and decisions. It offers a lucid understanding of how data influences decision-making processes. DI perceives decision-making as a cognitive or simulation process that links cause and effect from actions to outcomes.

The decision-making process encompasses choices, intermediates, and outcomes, all of which can be visualized using causal decision diagrams (CDDs). Data is the lifeblood of this process, informing the decision-making process, simulating various scenarios, creating predictive models, capturing external factors, and establishing dependencies between factors.

Intermediates, outcomes, and dependencies can be quantified and captured as data to inform the decision-making process. Computerized decision models offer the ability to experiment with different choices and scenarios to determine optimal outcomes. Data can also be used to track assumptions made during decision-making and measure the real-life impact of decisions.

The amalgamation of data science and decision intelligence can significantly enhance decision-making processes and improve problem-solving in complex and rapidly changing environments. During this entire process, it is crucial to continuously monitor and evaluate the performance of the framework, making necessary adjustments to ensure its efficacy.

The guide provided in the context offers a three-step process for evaluating and prioritizing data science use cases. The first step is to gather information about the projects to enable informed decision making. Projects that are not suitable candidates are eliminated after gathering the information. The remaining use cases are then prioritized. To understand a use case and prioritize it, information needs to be gathered by asking specific questions.

The questions include the problem statement, the business case, state assumptions, delivery mechanisms, success measures, required resources, and support. The guide also mentions when machine learning is not a good idea, including reasons such as lack of data, a rules-based solution working, low ROI, no tolerance for mistakes, and no one to maintain it. After eliminating unfit projects, the remaining projects need to be prioritized based on factors such as reach, impact, ROI, effort, and confidence.

Quantifiable factors can be used to prioritize the projects, and a visual representation can be created to better understand the tradeoffs. The guide mentions sources such as Domino Datalab, a pre-flight project checklist, a LinkedIn post by Allie K. Miller, and an Intercom blog post about the RICE prioritization method. The guide also provides a definition of a business metric and mentions that it requires input from key stakeholders in the business. The guide concludes by mentioning other related posts on creating a Docker image for a data science project"

However, the context provided does not offer a direct method to identify operational challenges and define objectives for a data-driven decision-making framework. Therefore, it's crucial to consider regular monitoring and evaluation of the decision-making framework. This can help assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the decision-making processes, ensure accountability and transparency, and identify patterns and trends in data.

Moreover, tracking key metrics such as accuracy, timeliness, adoption, decision impact, and ROI can provide valuable insights into the decision-making process and drive data-based improvements. It's also important to foster a data-driven culture within your organization, establish clear metrics, and regularly evaluate and refine your decision-making processes.

Finally, communicating and sharing the insights derived from your data with key stakeholders is essential. This helps to build trust and credibility in the decision-making process and encourages buy-in and support from the relevant parties. For case studies of successful implementation of a data-driven decision-making framework, you can visit the website mentioned in the context.

6. Case Study: Achieving Operational Excellence through Integrated Systems

Operational excellence is a critical component in the business environment of today, where the competition is intense. A testament to this is Pals Sudden Service, a quick-service restaurant that has constructed a winning operating model that focuses on process control, continuous improvement, zero defects, and comprehensive employee training. This model has been a cornerstone in their outstanding operational and financial performance, even as they currently manage 28 units.

Their strategy is unique as it does not only focus on the execution of operations but also on the cultivation of a unique organizational culture, which emphasizes motivation, values, and beliefs. The case study by Gary P. Pisano, Francesca Gino, and Bradley R. Staats on Pals Sudden Service provides an in-depth understanding of their growth strategy and operations strategy, making it highly relevant for businesses in the service industry, especially those in the food and beverage sector.

In the same vein, the Virginia Mason Medical Center, a high-performing healthcare organization based in Seattle, United States, has made significant strides in patient safety and quality of care. Post their visit to Japan in 2001, their leadership team developed the Virginia Mason Production System (VMPS), inspired by the Toyota Production System (TPS).

The VMPS is a systematic approach that places the patient at the center of all processes, with the objective of eradicating waste in care processes. This method employs value stream mapping techniques to identify and eliminate waste sources, set measurable targets, and experiment with improved processes. The success of VMPS can be traced back to the unwavering commitment of the organization's leaders and the proactive engagement of staff at all levels.

Nevertheless, the journey wasn't without its hurdles. Some physicians perceived this shift as a threat to their autonomy and chose to leave the center. Despite this, the center's structure as a large integrated delivery system, exclusively affiliated with a salaried medical group, fostered a cohesive culture and the development of capabilities necessary for change.

The lessons learned from Virginia Mason Medical Center's improvement journey offer valuable insights for other organizations striving for operational excellence. It highlights the importance of a focus on quality improvement, systematic use of management methods, and the crucial role of leadership commitment and staff engagement.

In tandem with these strategies, the integration of technology can further enhance operational efficiency. For instance, the integration of CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) and EAM (Enterprise Asset Management) systems with Makini can streamline maintenance processes, improve asset management, and enhance overall operational efficiency. This integration facilitates seamless data exchange between the CMMS/EAM systems and Makini, providing real-time visibility into asset performance, maintenance schedules, and work orders. Such integration can help organizations optimize maintenance activities, reduce downtime, and make more informed decisions regarding asset management.

A manufacturing company's journey to operational excellence with Makini's integration is an apt example. Moreover, Makini offers a universal API that can be used to streamline processes and optimize maintenance. This API allows for seamless integration with various systems, such as Oracle Fusion Cloud Warehouse Management, to enhance operational efficiency. By leveraging Makini's universal API, businesses can automate workflows, improve data accuracy, and achieve a more efficient maintenance process, leading to cost savings, improved productivity, and better overall performance.

Makini's universal API can also be used to gather data and make informed decisions in manufacturing. By integrating Makini's API with various platforms such as Oracle Fusion Cloud Warehouse Management and K-Motion Warehouse Advantage, manufacturers can access real-time data and analytics to optimize their operations. This enables them to make data-driven decisions, improve efficiency, and streamline their manufacturing processes. With Makini's universal API, manufacturers can harness the power of data for informed decision-making in the manufacturing industry.

7. Maintaining and Optimizing Your Data-Driven Framework for Continuous Improvement

The ongoing refinement of a data-driven decision-making framework is crucial to the continuous improvement of operations. This process involves regularly evaluating and adjusting the framework to ensure it remains effective in an ever-changing industrial landscape. At the heart of this process is the constant monitoring and analysis of data, which helps identify areas needing improvement and formulate effective strategies to address these issues.

One of the key components in this process is Decision Intelligence (DI). DI acts as a conduit that connects data to decisions, assisting organizations in making informed, data-driven choices. It views decision-making as a mental or simulation process, aiming to align the cause-and-effect relationships from actions to outcomes. This method uses causal decision diagrams (CDDs) to depict the sequence of events and dependencies between decisions, intermediates, and outcomes.

Data plays a pivotal role in decision-making, both before and during the execution of an action. It can guide decision-making by simulating and contemplating the decision, as well as by providing real-time sensors and data management techniques. External data sources, such as forecasts or predictions, can also be utilized to inform decision-making. Dependency links, which represent how one factor influences another, are vital for data to inform decisions.

Intermediates and outcomes are measurable elements in the decision-making process and can be recorded as data. Computerized decision models allow multiple scenarios and choices to be considered simultaneously, providing enhanced "data from the future." In real time, actions and external measurements can be measured and captured as data, offering feedback on the decision-making process. Systematic measurement of intermediates and outcomes can generate data that enriches data science models and decision-making. The decision intelligence data science integration framework bridges the gap between human mental models and data, enhancing our ability to work with data to solve complex problems.

The article "Leading with Decision-Driven Data Analytics" emphasizes the importance of decision-making in data analytics. The authors propose a decision-centric approach to data analytics, where the purpose of data is to serve a specific decision. They distinguish this approach from traditional data-centric ones, which often lead decision-makers to focus on the wrong questions. They suggest three steps to success in decision-driven data analytics: identifying alternative courses of action, determining the data needed to rank those alternatives, and selecting the best course of action.

They recommend building a decision model as a crucial step in the process, especially for decisions that will be made repeatedly. Breaking down decisions into sub-decisions and considering each independently can help determine the data and analytics needed. This approach to data analytics leads to more successful operationalization of analytics and data-driven approaches.

As the authors suggest, "Leaders need to make sure that data analytics is decision-driven," and "Instead of finding a purpose for data, find data for a purpose." They further explain, "Data-driven decision-making anchors on available data. This often leads decision-makers to focus on the wrong question. Decision-driven data analytics starts from a proper definition of the decision that needs to be made and the data that is needed to make that decision."

By maintaining and optimizing a data-driven decision-making framework, organizations can ensure their framework continues to deliver value and drive operational excellence. This process, rooted in decision intelligence and a decision-centric approach to data analytics, can lead to more successful operationalization of analytics and data-driven approaches.

To continually enhance a data-driven decision-making framework, several strategies can be implemented. Regularly reviewing and updating the framework based on new data and insights is a vital first step. This process can involve analyzing the effectiveness of existing decision-making processes and identifying areas for improvement. By staying current with the latest data and trends, the framework can be adjusted to ensure it remains relevant and effective.

Promoting a culture of data-driven decision-making is also essential. This can be achieved by emphasizing the importance of data in decision-making, providing training and resources to employees on how to effectively use data, and encouraging collaboration and communication among team members to share insights and best practices.

Organizations can also invest in technology and tools that support data-driven decision-making. This may include implementing data analytics platforms, visualization tools, and automation software to streamline the process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data.

Furthermore, organizations can establish key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to measure the effectiveness of the framework. By regularly tracking and evaluating these metrics, organizations can identify areas of improvement and make data-driven adjustments to the decision-making process.

Finally, organizations should encourage a feedback loop within the decision-making framework. This involves gathering feedback from stakeholders, both internal and external, to understand their needs and preferences. By incorporating feedback into the decision-making process, organizations can enhance the accuracy and relevance of their data-driven decisions.

By implementing these strategies, organizations can continually improve their data-driven decision-making framework and ensure that it remains effective in driving business success.

To identify areas for improvement in a decision-making framework, it's crucial to analyze the decision-making process and evaluate its effectiveness. Gathering feedback from stakeholders involved in the decision-making process can be an effective strategy. This can be done through surveys, interviews, or focus groups to understand their perspectives and identify any areas of concern or suggestions for improvement.

Analyzing the outcomes of previous decisions made within the framework is another strategy. By evaluating the results and comparing them to the desired outcomes, any gaps or areas for improvement can be identified. This analysis can be done by reviewing data, conducting performance evaluations, or using metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs).

Benchmarking the decision-making framework against best practices or industry standards is also beneficial. This allows for a comparison of the current framework with proven methods used by successful organizations. Through this benchmarking process, areas of misalignment or opportunities for improvement can be identified.

Seeking input and insights from external experts or consultants can provide a fresh perspective on the decision-making framework. These experts can evaluate the current practices, identify areas of improvement, and provide recommendations based on their expertise and experience.


In conclusion, effective strategies for identifying areas for improvement in a decision-making framework include gathering stakeholder feedback, analyzing previous decision outcomes, benchmarking against best practices, and seeking external expertise

to gain fresh insights. By continuously evaluating and optimizing the framework, organizations can ensure that their data-driven decision-making processes remain effective and aligned with their goals.

To achieve operational excellence through a data-driven decision-making framework, organizations must prioritize the integration of tools like CMMS and EAM systems. These systems play a crucial role in streamlining processes, optimizing maintenance activities, and enhancing overall operational efficiency. By integrating these tools with Makini's universal API, organizations can automate workflows, improve data accuracy, and make more informed decisions.

By following the steps outlined in this article - understanding the importance of data-driven decision making, identifying operational challenges, choosing the right tools, implementing a data-driven framework, and maintaining and optimizing it for continuous improvement - organizations can unlock their full potential for operational excellence. Embracing a culture of data-driven decision making and leveraging the power of technology will enable organizations to streamline processes, enhance efficiency, and stay ahead in today's competitive business landscape.

To learn how Makini’s Unified API can help you build 100+ product integrations with ease by scheduling a demo with one of our integration experts, visit here.

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